רונית ליכטנטריט הינה פרופ' חבר בבית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית וחוקרת בתחומי האובדן והשכול בכלל ובצמתים של קבלת החלטות אודות חיים ומוות בפרט. פרופ' ליכטנטריט השלימה תואר שני במסלול טיפול משפחתי בביה"ס לעבודה סוציאלית באוניברסיטת חיפה ותואר שלישי בטיפול וחקר המשפחה באוניברסיטת מיניסוטה, ארה"ב. היא חברת מערכת בכתב העת Death Studies
פרופ' רונית ליכטנטריט
מידע כללי
תחומי מחקר
Prof. Leichtentritt studies are grounded in two research interests: what meanings people construct to various experiences of loss alongside studies on decision making processes at times of life and death. She began her research in the filed while examining perceptions, meanings and attitudes of elderly and their family members towards euthanasia (including passive, active and physician assisted death). She continued and examine various loss experiences while taking into consideration the unique characteristics of the Israeli social context. Prof. Leichtentritt has since continued to make significant contributions to these fields, expanding her research from elderly's end of life decision making to decision in cases of fetus abnormality - feticide (mother, fathers, health care providers) as well as revealing the coping processes after various losses (homicide, suicide, illness) among different bereaved groups (e.g., children, mothers, fathers)
Leichtentritt, R.D., Leichtentritt, J., & Mahat Shamir, M. (2018). Shadows from the past: The mothering experience of women survivors of maternal suicide. Journal of Social Work, 18(5), 548-577
Mahat-Shamir, M., Davidson Arad, B. Shilo, G., Adler, R., & Leichtentritt, R.D. (2018). The family in the view of Israeli adolescents in foster care. Journal of Social Work, 18(2), 201-221
Mahat-Shamir, M., Hamma-Raz, Y., & Leichtentritt, R.D. (2019). Body perception and organ donation: Bereaved parents' perspectives. Qualitative Health Research, 29(11), 1623-1633
Rysnizki, S., Doron, I., & Leichtentritt, R.D. (2019). The role of perception of death in medical decision making at the end of life. In Brill, S., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Hazan, H., Lavi, S. (Eds.), When life ends: Medicine, law and culture confronting death in Israel (pp. 49-59). Tel Aviv University: Minerva Center for Interdisciplinary Study of End of Life. (Hebrew)
Leichtentritt, R.D. & Weinberg Kurnik, G. (2020). Bereaved parents’ unwillingness to participate in a joint research interview: The case of feticide. Health Care for Women International, 41(4), 412-444
Rysnizki, S., Doron, I., & Leichtentritt, R.D. (2020). Medical decisions at the end of life: From autonomy to relational autonomy. Maazanie Mishpat, 13. (Hebrew)
Weinberg-Kurnik, G., Anchoo, O., & Leichtentritt, R. D. (2021). Standing in spaces and feeling alright: The experience of bereaved fathers of fallen soldiers in Israel. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 22(4), 715-72
Mahat Shamir, M., Pitcho-Prelorentzos, S., & Leichtentritt, R. D. (2022). Congenital loss: Loss of an immediate family member prior to or during one’s birth. Death Studies, 1-12