ד"ר עידו קטרי הוא חבר סגל בבית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית ומרצה בפקולטה למשפטים. הוא חוקר ומלמד תיאוריה ביקורתית, זכויות חברתיות-כלכליות, זכויות אזרחיות-פוליטיות וכן בתחומי המשפט המינהלי, דיני הרווחה והשוויון, תוך המתקדמות בזכויות טרנס, מגדר ומיניות, גזע והגזעה, סובייקטיביות והכפפה.
ד"ר עידו קטרי

מידע כללי
קורות חיים
Academic Appointments
2021-Present - Tel Aviv University, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Science
2016 - University of Toronto, Instructor, Women and Gender Studies Institute
2020 SJD Toronto University
2015 LL.M., Toronto University
2011 LL.B Hebrew University of Jerusalem
פרסומים נבחרים
Ido Katri, Incongruence and Distress in the Ethnocratic Empire: Gender Non-Conformity Under Israeli Law in The Stakes in Sex: a Comparative Study of Civil Status of Trans Persons (Isabel C. Jaramillo Sierra Ed.) (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Springer Publishing, 2021) (Forthcoming)
Lihi Yona and Ido Katri, The Limits of Transgender Incarceration Reform, Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, Vol. 31.2, 2020
Ido Katri, Trans/Arab/Jew A look Beyond the Boundaries of In-Between Identities Transgender Studies Quarterly Vol. 6(3), 2019 (pp.338-357) (2019)
Ido Katri, Sex Reclassification for Trans and Gender Nonconforming People: From the Medicalized Body to the Privatized Self in in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics Oxford University Press, UK, 2019.
Ido Katri, The Banishment of Isaac: Racial Signifiers of Gender Performance U. Toronto L. J. Vol. 68.1, 2018 (pp.118-139)
Ido Katri, Transgender Intrasectionality: Rethinking Anti-Discrimination Law and Litigation U. Pennsylvania. J. L. &Soc. Change Vol. 20, 2017 (pp.51-70)
Lihi Yona and Ido Katri, Prison Within a Prison- Gender Variant Experiences of Incarceration Tel-Aviv University Journal of Law, Society and Culture, 2017
Ido Katri, Transgendered Rights at a Crossroad in Anthology of LBGT Rights in Israel, Hebrew University Press, Jerusalem, 2016 (Alon Harel, Yaniv Lushinsky and Einav Morgenstern Ed. (Heb)
Ido Katri, You Scare the Costumers: Mechanism of Gender Policing in Anti-Discrimination Law in An Other Sex- Israeli Queer Theory Resling Publishing House, Tel Aviv, 2016 (Aeyal Gross, Amalia Ziv and Raz Yosef Ed.) (Heb).
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship (2016-2020)
Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connection Grant (Collaborator, PI Dean Robert Leckey, McGill Law) (2019)
Vanier Canada Scholarship (2016-2019)
Naim S. Mahlab Graduate Scholarship In Jewish-Muslim Relations (2018-2019)
University of Toronto Women's Rights Doctoral Fellowship (2015-2018)
Granovsky-Gluskin Graduate Scholarship in Jewish Studies (2017-2018)
Earl And Renee Lyons Scholarships In Jewish Studies (2016-2017)
David Rayside Graduate Student Award in Sexual Diversity Studies (2015-2016)
Alan Marks Medal for Best Graduate Thesis (2015)
Hallam Award for Excellence in Sexual Diversity Studies (2015)
University of Toronto Women's Rights Fellowship (2014)