העברת טראומה: היבטים בין אישיים, בין דוריים, חברתיים וקהילתיים

25 בפברואר 2019, 9:30 
בית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית 
העברת טראומה: היבטים בין אישיים, בין דוריים, חברתיים וקהילתיים

26/2/2019 - 25/2/2019


כנס בינלאומי לכבוד פרופ' זהבה סולומון - פרופסור מן המניין בבית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית ע"ש בוב שאפל באוניברסיטת תל אביב וכלת פרס ישראל לחקר העבודה הסוציאלית לשנת תשס"ט (2009), לרגל פרישתה לאחר ארבעה עשורים של מחקר חדשני ויוצא דופן.


* כל ההרצאות בכנס הן באנגלית


Transmission of trauma: Intrapersonal, intergenerational, societal, and communal aspects


International conference in honor of Prof. Zahava Solomon,

On the occasion of her retirement after four decades of outstanding and innovative research





February 25-26, 2019

Tel Aviv University

The Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Hall 001


Monday, February 25, 2019

9:00-9:30   Registration and refreshments

9:30-10:00 Opening

Eyal Zisser, Vice Rector, Tel Aviv University

Tamar Ronen Rosenbaum, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University

Idit Weiss-Gal, Head, School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University

Karni Ginzburg, Chair of the Scientific Committee, Tel Aviv University


10:00-11:45         The biological aspects of trauma transmission

►The neural signatures of trauma and PTSD: Treatment and diagnostic implications

Yuval Neria, Columbia University

►Effects of chronic war-related trauma on the developing brain; An infancy-to-adolescence study 

Ruth Feldman, Interdisciplinary Center

►The underlying mechanisms of trauma transmission: Bridging the gap between preclinical and clinical research

Alon Chen, Weizmann Institute & Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry


Discussion: Avi Bleich, Tel Aviv University


11:45-12:15         Coffee break


12:15-13:30         The intrapersonal regulation of trauma

►An attachment perspective on trauma and post trauma

Mario Mikulincer, Interdisciplinary Center

►Opposite effects in the interaction between stress and pain

Ruth Defrin, Tel Aviv University


Discussion: Yael Benyamini, Tel Aviv University


13:30-14:15         Lunch


14:15-15:30         The emotional contagion of trauma

►Trauma as a social infection: An attachment theory perspective

Tsachi Ein-Dor, Interdisciplinary Center

►On emotional and social contagion of trauma

Andreas Maercker, University of Zurich


Discussion: Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, Bar Ilan University





Tuesday, February 26, 2019

9:00-9:30   Registration and refreshments

9:30-11:15           Secondary traumatization

►Life in the shadow of the Holocaust: A human development perspective across generations

Abraham Sagi-Schwartz, University of Haifa

►Some unique (?) characteristics of the intergenerational transmission of captivity trauma

Gadi Zerach, Ariel University

►Stillbirth as a major traumatic event: PTSD, depression, and marital adjustment 

Danny Horesh, Bar Ilan University


Discussion: Rachel Dekel, Bar Ilan University


11:15-11:45         Coffee break


11:45-13:30         No man is an island: Interpersonal contexts and trauma healing

►What do we know about the effects of interpersonal trauma and our chances to heal them? Organizational limits and means to overcome them! Can research make a difference?

Ask Elklit, University of Southern Denmark

►Toxic turmoil: Public contradictions, risk amplification, and individual consequences after environmental disasters

Evelyn Bromet, Stony Brook University

►Intersubjective transmission in the treatment of survivors of childhood sexual abuse

Zivya Seligman, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center


Discussion: Avi Ohry, Tel Aviv University


13:30-14:15         Lunch



14:15-16:00         The toll of ongoing conflict

►Tribalism: How terrorism has generated a primitive protective response in individuals and society

Stevan Hobfoll, Rush University

►The unbearable cost of the conflict and the occupation: The deterioration of democracy

Daniel Bar-Tal, Tel Aviv University

►From Auschwitz to Jerusalem: The implications of collective historical trauma on contemporary intergroup conflict

Gilad Hirschberger, Interdisciplinary Center


Discussion: Daphna Canetti, University of Haifa


16:15           Cocktail and concluding event

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
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